Saturday, June 12, 2010

Week with Valerie

Julia went to Florida with her parents for vacation so Valerie and I had the whole week alone while her Mom takes Graduate School Classes.

We had a great week together. On Monday we went to the zoo.
We went swimming a lot.

We went bike riding. If I slow down or stop she starts moving her body for me to go. She also lays her head up against my back as we ride as if to say "Thank you this is so much fun."

She loves the outdoors. So we swung, a lot.

We ate, a lot. She will not let me feed her. She wants to do it herself.

We made Cranberry muffins.

She got into the cabinets and spilled sprinkles all over the floor. She did not understand why I gasped. She thought it was yummy!

We read books.

We had a great week. I can't wait for Julia to get back and we will have twice the fun.